My Toolbox

"When everything seems to oppose you, ... When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, Never give up! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert!

- Rumi

I am trained in a number of different methodologies aimed at improving collaboration and empowerment of groups and individuals. Once we diagnose the issue where you or your group or organisation need support, I’ll apply a tailored range of these to meet your needs – always with directness, energy and enthusiasm.

These include:


Facilitation describes a set of tools and practices that enable effective meetings and collaborations where everyone’s input is valued. It’s a way of accompanying the group in its processes with awareness; care for the stakeholders involved; and with the intent of further empowering the group. It also serves to help resolve conflicts, improve communication, give feedback, or deliberate and decide around important decisions such as in strategic planning processes. I’ve been facilitating ecovillages, organisations and other group initiatives for over 10 years – see my testimonials

Sociocratic governance and decision-making

Sociocracy is a governance method that aims to empower teams to work effectively together. It is based on the principal of consent (rather than consensus), in which we make agile decisions asking is this good enough for now and safe enough to try? At its best it enhances transparency, encourages trust and shared leadership, power and responsibility, and to embrace the potential of the group’s collective wisdom. Employed by an ever-growing number of progressive organisations, communities and networks, sociocracy offers an alternative for anyone tired of top-down hierarchy or interminable consensus methods.  I am available for consulting on how to transition to sociocracy, training in sociocracy, and facilitating sociocratic processes.


Processwork draws on science, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality to offer a holistic, systemic framework for deepening our experience of the world and ourselves beyond rational understanding. It creates awareness of the mind and body, the emotional and the spiritual, enabling us to understand our behaviours, reactions and patterns and respond to the world with greater purpose and consciousness.


Counselling is aimed at helping individuals get perspective and clarity on their personal situation and external circumstances. As a counsellor I work with a focus on your inherent potential and power, supporting you in your self-discovery through dialogue and listening to help you move through whatever you’re dealing with with greater resilience and equilibrium.

If you feel you could benefit from any of these tools applied to your unique situation, find out more about my